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Fine carbon fiber bristles are conductive and help reduce static on the record. Use immediately before playing to sweep away dust particles and reduce static.

Proper care of vinyl records is no less important for obtaining high-quality sound than buying the best records and equipment to play them. The analog world of sound has many details and nuances that cannot be neglected. But this is part of the "magic" of the analog, which has been finding its fans for many years, despite the reigning digital era. If you want the sound of your records to please you for many years, you must take care of their safety and cleanliness.

1. Place your record on the turntable to start rotation.
2. Holding the silver part of the brush, gently hold and position the brush in the grooves as the record spins. Let the record rotate 1 or 2 times until the dust has been collected.
3. Keeping the brush on the vinyl, carefully pull the brush towards you and try not to lose any of the collected dust. It may be necessary to perform a second pass to sweep up any remaining dust particles.
4. That's it. Drop the needle and enjoy!

Cleaning Your Brush:
Simply rotate the silver brush grip in and out of the black handle a few times.
